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» » How to become a youtuber? Tips and tricks for beginner YouTube

How to become a youtuber? Tips and tricks for beginner YouTube

The expanses of the Internet in our time provide great opportunities for self-development, the realization of creativity, advertising, earnings and much more. A huge amount of Internet resources is ready to help you. Social networks, blogs, video blogs - now all of this is available to each of us. One of the most popular video hosting sites - You Tube - not only accepts and shows videos, but also gives you the opportunity to create your own channel. Next, we will talk about how to become a youtuber. It is not as simple as it seems. How to create your own channel and buy youtube views?


To publish video content, you need a suitable site. How to create your own channel on YouTube? This is the first question that you will be looking for an answer, going to become a video blogger. And there, and the famous YouTube is not far.

We use the Google system. If you have your own account, great. If not, create as follows:

    Open the Google browser.
    In the upper right corner, click on the "Login" button.
    An account creation form will appear. Click "Create Account."
    Fill out the registration form.
    Click "Next."

If the registration was successful, you will be informed that now you can use various Google services, including the You Tube channel.


Next, we create the channel directly on video hosting using the following algorithm:

    We go on You Tube.
    Click on the “Login” button.
    Select the tab “Creative Studio”, then “Create Channel”.

The first and easiest stage is over.
How to set up a channel on You Tube

How to become a youtuber? First you need to create a channel, which has already been done, and configure it. In order to use as many opportunities as possible, you need to verify your account. This is done by specifying a phone number. You write your number, an SMS message with confirmation data comes to it. You need to enter them - and you're done.
We come up with the name

Next you need to come up with a name for the channel. Remember a few simple things:

    the shorter the name, the easier it is for your channel to find your channel;
    the name should reflect the essence of your channel or at least the main topic;
    Channel name should be memorable.


Most often, the name of the channel is simply the name of the author. People always trust more real, not fictional characters.

If you can’t come up with a creative, memorable name for your channel, contact the specialists who are engaged in naming. To do this, just visit any freelance exchange, find a specialist and give an assignment.

Have you got a name? It's time to pick up keywords. You need this in the first place so that you can quickly find your channel. Type as many words or phrases as possible related to the theme of the channel. For example, you want to devote a channel to cooking Japanese food. Then the keywords may be: Japanese cuisine, food, sushi, rolls, how to cook Japanese cuisine and so on. After that, select the best options and insert. To insert keywords, go to the tab "Creative Studio", then "Channel", "Advanced" and "Channel Keywords".

Audience engagement

How to attract an audience to your video blog? First of all, you need to create a decent description. It must not exceed a thousand characters. We recommend using keywords in the text, telling something interesting about yourself and your channel, you can write about when and when new videos will be released.

After the description, it’s wise to insert links to social networks, sites that are somehow connected with you and your channel. To do this, go to the "About the channel" section, then the "Channel description" and the "Links" button. You can add up to five links.

Well, the final step in the preparatory phase will be the installation of an avatar. Most often, photos or project logos are put on the avatar. Less commonly - hand-drawn characters or just pictures from the Internet.

Channel Theme

How to become a popular youtuber? Firstly, you need to choose the channel theme correctly. The main and main advice - do not choose a topic in which you are not a specialist. First of all, the topic should be interesting to you and your viewers.

The main topics of the channels are listed below:

    films, series, cinema;
    channels for children;
    computer games;
    life hacks;
    computers, electronics;
    women's channels;
    channels about animals;
    politics and news;

Choose any topic, promote and earn.
Make Money on You Tube

How to promote your channel on YouTube and earn money? Let's figure it out. The most profitable are video blogs on the following topics:

    business and finance;
    the medicine;

The thing is that revenue will come from advertising. The more expensive the topic, the more expensive the advertisement.

Good earnings require quality videos. Always add captions, effects. Be sure to follow the literacy video.

It’s best to post good quality videos two to three times a week.

How to become a youtuber to earn as much as possible? Try to do everything so that you have a large number of views. More views, more earnings.

Let's understand the intricacies of how to become a youtuber:

    You can place direct ads in videos. For example, you shoot and broadcast videos on an automotive theme. The customer offers you to advertise related to the topic. You can insert it before the start of the video and get a reward for it.
    The easiest and most common way is contextual advertising (pop-up ads

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